Wednesday 29 May 2013

Final Numbers

The final numbers are in.............

Online donations: £2,478.06
Bike a thon: £4,265.66
Cash donations: £120.00

For a grand total of...................£6, 863.72
Or $10, 744 Canadian dollars for my Canadian friends.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me physically, mentally and financially over the last few months. There is no way I could thank each and every person who has helped me towards this cause. With your help we have made an amazing step towards stopping cancer before it starts.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Bike-a-thon Success

Hi everyone,

It's been a while since I updated the blog. Things have been busy. A few weeks ago, Alderman Richard Hallam Primary School held it's first ever bike a thon to help me raise money for cancer. Children aged 4-11 took part in the event gathering sponsors and riding as far as they could around the school. When we first started organising the event, I was hoping that every child would bring in at least a pound which would have raised close to £700 towards my total. The children have gone above and beyond all expectations raising over £4000.00.

Congratulations and thank you to everyone who took part and helped me organise the event. And congratulations to the 5CK Owls class who raised the most money in the whole school and won the prize of shaving Mr. Wells' head and face.

I will be putting together all the money in the next little while to try and figure out how much we have raised in total